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BASIC Source File
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' Removes various menu items from the System menu of the specified Form.
Sub Remove_Items_From_Sysmenu (A_Form As Form)
' Obtain the handle to the forms System menu
HSysMenu = GetSystemMenu(A_Form.Hwnd, 0)
' Remove all but the MOVE and CLOSE options. The menu items
' must be removed starting with the last menu item.
R = RemoveMenu(HSysMenu, 8, MF_BYPOSITION) 'Switch to
R = RemoveMenu(HSysMenu, 7, MF_BYPOSITION) 'Separator
R = RemoveMenu(HSysMenu, 5, MF_BYPOSITION) 'Separator
End Sub
' Since the Swap statement is not supported by Visual Basic, this
' routine is used to perform the task of swapping two integer values.
Sub Swap_Values (Param1, Param2)
Temp = Param1
Param1 = Param2
Param2 = Temp
End Sub
' Selecting a new drive from the list of a Drive controls drop
' down list does not generate an error if the drive is not ready,
' so when a new drive is selected, we determine if it is ready
' or not. This routine validates the selected drive and is use
' by both the SaveFileDlg's and Viewers's Drive control
Sub Validate_And_Change_Drives (A_Form As Form)
On Error Resume Next
' Invoking the Dir$() function with the selected drive will generate
' an error if the drive is not ready. We don't care about the return
' value, we just care if an error is generated or not.
Dummy$ = Dir$(Left$(A_Form.Drv_DriveList.Drive, 2))
If Err Then
' The drive was not ready, so prompt the user
MsgBox Error$(Err), 16, "IconWorks - ERROR: " + Format$(Err)
' Reset the Drive Control back to its previously selected drive
A_Form.Drv_DriveList.Drive = Left$(A_Form.Dir_DirectoryList.Path, 2)
' The drive is ready, so change to that drive
ChDrive A_Form.Drv_DriveList.Drive
A_Form.Dir_DirectoryList.Path = CurDir$
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
' A Sub Main is used instead of a startup form to allow the user
' to startup either the Editor or Viewer as the main form. The
' Editor is the Default main form, however starting Spelling
' with a command line of "v" or "V" will start Spelling with
' the Viewer as the main form.
Sub Main ()
' Check video mode. If less than EGA, terminate Spelling
If Screen.Height < EGA_HEIGHT Then
MsgBox "Spelling requires EGA or Better.", 16, "Spelling"
' Since you cannot assign values like TAB, CR, and LF to string
' constants, the values of TAB and CRLF which are used frequently
' thoughout Spelling when displaying messages, these values are
' are assigned to the global string values of A_TAB and CRLF
A_TAB = Chr$(9)
CRLF = Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
'If Not Help_File_In_Path() Then
' Text = "ICONWRKS.HLP not found in your path." + CRLF + CRLF
' Text = Text + "Windows searches your PATH environment variable for help files, "
' Text = Text + "so you need to copy ICONWRKS.HLP to a directory included in your "
' Text = Text + "PATH if you wish to obtain help while running Spelling."
' MsgBox Text, 48, "Spelling help not available"
'End If
' Determine which form to use as main form, Editor) or the Viewer
If (Command$ = "") Or (UCase$(Left$(Command$, 1)) <> "V") Then
' Editor is main form
' Viewer is main form
End If
End If
End Sub
' Displays the selected help topic selected from either
' Editors;' or Viewer's help menu.
Sub Get_Help (HelpTopic As Integer)
If HelpTopic = MID_USING_HELP Then
' "Using Help" was selected so display the Standard Windows Help
' Topic for "Using Help".
R = WinHelp(Viewer.Hwnd, Dummy$, HELP_HELPONHELP, 0)
' A help topic other the "Using help" was selected.
R = WinHelp(Viewer.Hwnd, "ICONWRKS.HLP", HELP_CONTEXT, CLng(HelpTopic))
End If
End Sub
' This routine is used by the SaveFileDlg and the Viewer to update the
' filespec displayed in the FileName TextBox whenever the forms Directory
' ListBox control is Single Clicked. Since a Single click does not
' actually make a selection, this routine is called in response to a
' single click to display what would be the result if a double click
' is performed or if Enter is pressed.
Sub UpDate_FileSpec (A_Form As Form)
Dim SelPath As String, CurPath As String, Slash As String
CurPath = A_Form.Lbl_CurrentDirectory.Caption
SelPath = A_Form.Dir_DirectoryList.List(A_Form.Dir_DirectoryList.ListIndex)
Select Case A_Form.Dir_DirectoryList.ListIndex
Case Is >= 0
' A subdirectory from the Current directory was selected
I = Right$(CurPath, 1) <> "\"
A_Form.Txt_FileName.Text = Right$(SelPath, Len(SelPath) - Len(CurPath) + I) + "\" + A_Form.File_FileList.Pattern
Case Is = -1
' The current directory was selected
A_Form.Txt_FileName.Text = A_Form.File_FileList.Pattern
Case Is < -1
' A parent directory of the Current directory was selected
SelPath = Right$(SelPath, Len(SelPath) - 2)
If Len(SelPath) > 1 Then Slash = "\"
A_Form.Txt_FileName.Text = SelPath + Slash + A_Form.File_FileList.Pattern
End Select
End Sub
' When a filespec is entered into either the Viewer's Filename
' TextBox or the SaveFileDlg's Filename TextBox, this routine is
' called to validate the FileSpec. The name and path, if one is
' given, is validated. If a valid FileSpec to an actual file is
' entered and the file does not exist, the return value depends
' on which Form called this routine, since a if called from the
' SaveFileDlg a "File Not Found" error is generated but that is
' OK since a file does not have to exist to write to it. However,
' if called from the Viewer, the same error will be generated but
' in this case the file must exists since the Viewer is wants to
' open the file for editing.
Function Validate_FileSpec (AForm As Form, MustExist)
Dim Temp As String
' Enable error trapping
On Error GoTo ErrorInSpec
Validate_FileSpec = FALSE
' Check for valid DOS Path and Filenames.
Temp = Dir$(AForm.Txt_FileName.Text)
' The following statement does alot. It the FileSpec contains
' a Path, the FileSpec will be parsed and the Path will be assign
' to the File ListBox's Path property. If the FileSpec contains
' Wild card characters, it will be assign to the File ListBox's
' pattern property. If the FileSpec contains a valid file name
' and the file exists, a Double Click event will automatically be
' generated for the File ListBox. If the File does not exist,
' a "File Not Found" error will be generated which we trap.
AForm.File_FileList.FileName = AForm.Txt_FileName.Text
' Turn off error trapping and exit the function
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Function
If (Err <> FILE_NOT_FOUND) Or ((Err = FILE_NOT_FOUND) And MustExist) Then
' An error other than "File Not Found" occured, or the error
' "File Not Found" occured and this Function was invoked from
' the Viewer which requires the file to exist.
MsgBox Error$(Err), 16, "IconWorks - ERROR: " + Format$(Err)
' The FileSpec entered contain no errors other than maybe
' "File Not Found".
' A Valid filename was entered in the SaveFileDlg which did not exist
' so the File Control did not parse the FileSpec for us. Since the
' FileSpec could contain a path specification, force File control
' to parse the Filename string for us by changing last character to
' an asterisk "*" and assign the modified FileSpec to the File Controls
' FileName property. The asterisk "*" makes the Filename appear as a
' FileSpec rather than a Filename to the File ListBox and it will parse
' it for us whether there are any matching files or not. After it has
' been parsed, we change the "*" back to its previous value.
Temp = Right$(AForm.Txt_FileName.Text, 1)
AForm.File_FileList.FileName = Left$(AForm.Txt_FileName.Text, Len(AForm.Txt_FileName.Text) - 1) + "*"
AForm.Txt_FileName.Text = Left$(AForm.File_FileList.Pattern, Len(AForm.File_FileList.Pattern) - 1) + Temp
End If
Validate_FileSpec = TRUE
End If
Resume Exit_The_Function
End Function
Function Help_File_In_Path ()
Dim Path As String, CurrentDir As String
On Error Resume Next
Path = Environ$("PATH")
If Path <> "" Then
If Right$(Path, 1) <> ";" Then Path = Path + ";"
SemiColon = InStr(Path, ";")
CurrentDir = Left$(Path, SemiColon - 1)
If Right$(CurrentDir, 1) <> "\" Then CurrentDir = CurrentDir + "\"
Found = Dir$(CurrentDir + "IconWrks.HLP") <> ""
Path = Right$(Path, Len(Path) - SemiColon)
SemiColon = InStr(Path, ";")
Loop While ((SemiColon <> 0) And Not Found)
End If
Help_File_In_Path = Found
On Error GoTo 0
End Function